Not all Hospices Are the Same

Not all hospices provide the same services. At Hospice of Marion County, we encourage you to ask if a hospice provider provides a comprehensive, full-service experience for patients and their families.

Hospices participating in Medicare are required to provide the same basic services according to Medicare regulations. However, there are differences above and beyond these services such as offering owned and operated inpatient units, volunteer assistance with caregiver respite, honoring and supporting veterans, specialized dementia education and support and pet assistance programs. Additionally, if the patient is Medicare eligible, it is imperative you select a hospice that is a Medicare-certified provider to receive benefits. The addition of an accreditation from The Joint Commission with Deemed Status, the national gold standard for quality healthcare, shows a commitment above and beyond. Hospice of Marion County has obtained these credentials and is ranked among the highest in Florida for quality care from satisfaction surveys.

Our medical staff are board certified in Hospice and Palliative Medicine with specialties including Neurology, Psychiatry, Family Practice, Pharmacy, Bariatric, Gerontology, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine.

Call Hospice of Marion County 24/7 to learn more about how our hospice care is above and beyond standard hospice care at (352) 873-7415.

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