Helpful Resources for You and Your Family

Spanish Language Translation Service
Cuidando con Cariño
(Compassionate Care Spanish-Language Helpline)
General Hospice Information
- Florida Hospice and Palliative Care Organization – Information about Florida hospice programs.
- National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Caregiver Site – Provides guides and resources for hospice and palliative care caregivers from a national perspective.
Government Resources
- Medicare – Search and compare Medicare-certified hospices and understand Medicare coverage of hospice care
- Medicare Website en Español
- File a complaint about your hospice care
- Florida Department of Elder Affairs – Find state programs, services and resources. The Florida Elder Helpline is 1-800-963-5337.
- Marion Senior Services – Help for county seniors remain independently living.
Caregiving and Advocacy
- Transitions – Hospice of Marion’s support program for those with a life-limiting illness but who are not ready for hospice care
- Nancy Renyhart Dementia Education Program – A program of Hospice of Marion providing support and education for families caring for a person with Alzheimer’s/Dementia, care partners and the community
Grief and Bereavement
- Monarch Center for Hope & Healing – A program of Hospice of Marion providing grief counseling and workshops for adults and children for anyone in our community.
- Marion County Veteran Services – Overview of services and resources available to veterans in Marion County
- Vets Helping Vets – Nonprofit organization helping veterans with social services and other services and educate the community about veteran needs and how they can be helped.
Durable Medical Equipment
- Accent Medical – Durable medical equipment supplier for the tri-county area and affiliated with Hospice of Marion. It’s warehouse sells directly to the public.
Speakers Bureau
Hospice of Marion County’s Speaker’s Bureau provides expert speakers on a variety of hospice, advance care planning, grief and other topics. Call (352) 854-5230 or email to request a speaker.